Information for parents and guardians

The end of year 12 is traditionally a time of celebration for students, and many take the opportunity to head off with friends to various 'Schoolies' locations for a well-deserved break.

It’s the end of one journey and the beginning of another – it’s also a time of great change and mixed emotions.

Soon, your teen may be moving away from home, so Schoolies can be a special time with friends they may not get to see much of in the future. It might also be the first time your teen has been away on holidays by themselves.

As parents and guardians, whilst you may be excited for your teen, the end-of-year celebrations can often leave you feeling a little uneasy. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and concerned about the safety and wellbeing of your teen, but that's where we come in. We're here to help you prepare your teen for a safe and memorable Schoolies celebration.

Regardless of if, where or how your teen is choosing to celebrate, they will still face situations of great responsibility and risk, and we want to help them safely navigate what can be a tricky time.

We can assist with resources, support, tips and information for you to help make your teens Schoolies on the Gold Coast  memorable, for all the right reasons.

We want all teens to Be safe and watch their mates.

Follow us on our Parents Facebook Page to stay up to date with information about Schoolies in 2024 and get tips on how to support and prepare your teen ahead of their end of year celebrations.